May 2021

Meet Dani

Meet Dani is a groundbreaking startup that revolutionizes the way individuals access dental insurance by engaging them in a unique and interactive process. The challenge was to create a platform where users could earn dental insurance by watching videos and completing surveys. Our team's goal was to develop a simple yet effective website to gather sign-ups for the waitlist, secure funding, and subsequently build a high-fidelity prototype. We then brought this innovative concept to life by designing a functional website capable of playing videos, capturing survey responses, and tracking user progress through a dynamic dashboard.


The primary challenge was to devise an engaging and user-friendly platform that incentivizes users to participate in video-based surveys to earn dental insurance. Our initial focus was to build a minimalist website to gather sign-ups for the waitlist, thereby attracting potential investors and securing funding for the project. Subsequently, we needed to design and develop a high-fidelity prototype capable of showcasing the platform's functionality and user experience.


To create a compelling website, we first delved into understanding Meet Dani's vision and target audience. Our team meticulously crafted a simple, yet aesthetically pleasing website that conveyed the core concept of earning dental insurance through interactive video surveys. Employing strategic design choices, we ensured that the user journey from sign-up to survey participation was intuitive and seamless. After securing funding, we shifted focus to building a dynamic high-fidelity prototype, complete with video playback and interactive survey modules, in order to accurately portray the user experience.


The initial website presented a visually appealing landing page where users could easily sign up for the waitlist. To maintain focus on the unique value proposition, we employed clear and concise messaging, enabling potential investors to grasp the innovative concept effortlessly. Upon successful funding, we embarked on developing a high-fidelity prototype. The functional website allowed users to access video content, complete surveys, and earn dental insurance rewards. An intuitive dashboard tracked user progress, encouraging engagement and ensuring a smooth navigation experience.


Meet Dani's journey began with a successful waitlist sign-up campaign, attracting significant investor interest. Our simple yet effective website played a pivotal role in securing funding to propel the project forward. As a result, the development of a high-fidelity prototype showcased the full potential of the platform's unique approach to dental insurance. User testing revealed overwhelmingly positive feedback, with participants praising the engaging video surveys and seamless user experience.

In conclusion, Meet Dani's innovative approach to dental insurance, utilizing interactive video surveys, proved to be a game-changer in the industry. Our collaboration brought this ambitious vision to life, starting with a waitlist website and culminating in a fully functional prototype that captured the hearts of users and investors alike. As Meet Dani moves forward on its mission to transform dental insurance accessibility, we are proud to have played a vital role in shaping this groundbreaking platform and contributing to its success in reshaping the future of oral healthcare.